Develop a 3–5 page white paper on the importance of mission and vision statements and a code of ethics when starting a new business. Explain the purpose of each, identify the key elements for each, and explain how they can affect the success of a business.Explain the purpose of mission and vision statements using real-world examples and supporting evidence.
Key Elements of Mission and Vision Statements.
Identify key elements within mission and vision statements and explain why the elements are important for a company.
Purpose of a Code of Ethics.
Explain the purpose of a code of ethics and why the code should be directed toward all stakeholders, including leadership, employees, and customers.
Key Elements of a Code of Ethics.
Identify key elements within a code of ethics and explain why the elements are important for a company.
Relationship Between a Company’s Mission and Vision Statements and Its Code of Ethics.
Explain the relationship between a company’s mission and vision statements and its code of ethics in terms of strategic management.
Role of Leadership in Promoting and Supporting the Mission, Vision, and Code of Ethics.
Explain the role of an organization’s leadership in promoting and supporting the mission, vision, and ethical principles of the organization and discuss the consequences of a leader who fails to promote and support the mission, vision, and ethical principles of the company.