How would you describe the process for planning this project?

M4 Class 1 – irector of a laboratory and acute care hospital in a large metropolitan city. You are the director of a laboratory and acute care hospital in a large metropolitan city. Your boss has asked you to put together a plan for a new state-of-the-art laboratory analysis machine. How would you describe the […]

What are the important differences in processes between Preventive, Acute, Chronic and Palliative Care in the micro/ mesosystem you practice in?

Discussion post What are the important differences in processes between Preventive, Acute, Chronic and Palliative Care in the micro/ mesosystem you practice in? Think about the 5Ps for each of the subpopulations and what new care models you might consider.

What is ambulatory care, and what ambulatory care settings serve the most patients?

Settings for Health Care Delivery Explore and research the various settings for health care delivery discussed within your text and lecture, then provide a written report (3-4 pages minimum) that addresses the following: 1. What is self-care? 2. What is ambulatory care, and what ambulatory care settings serve the most patients? 3. What are the […]

find five (5) instances where mental health is implicated and write a 2 page reaction paper.

. Whether we experience acute or chronic issues ourselves, our family or friends, or in our communities. This assignment is for you to find five (5) instances where mental health is implicated and write a 2 page reaction paper. This assignment calls for you be creative but scientific. Use your imagination but also use science. […]